
Revision as of 14:09, September 17, 2007 by BTape (Talk | contribs)

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June 3, 2004
Avg. site rating: Stars red 41.gif   4.14
Avg. vote rate: Stars red 35.gif   3.51 of September 17, 2007
Notable Sites:

MikeyComicsInc is a 23 year old from South New Jersey. He enjoys many things which include but are not limited to: drawing, guitar, photoshop, and movies.

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YTMND Career
  • YTMNDs Created: 72
  • Views Accumulated: 671,650
  • Votes Accumulated: 17,878
  • Average Site Rating: 4.14  Stars red 41.gif
  • *FAV!* Collected: 1,094 of September 15, 2007.

Current Plans

Without being too specific to give away any jokes:

  • sequel to Cage Rampage.
  • a Sonic SatAM (just got the DVDs lol)
  • a hand-drawn animation


When I joined in June 2004, I started out making some pretty crap sites. Since then however, my sites have steadily improved. In 2006, I took a break from YTMND, making on 5 sites that year. In July 2007, I began making YTMNDs much more frequently, many of them achieving decent ratings. You can find me on the YTMND Gabbly chat occasionally. I'm always happy to help people with whatever I can, so if you need help, turn my  Mail.gif  into a  Hasmail.gif.

I code in several languages, notably C++ and PHP. I'm good with hardware/software. I learned how to wiki pretty well. I'm learning Java.


Style of YTMNDs

I'm picky about my looping usually being as precise as possible. I make my own gifs and they're always pretty decent Photoshops. I like to make widescreen YTMNDs. I always use the preloader. I always cite my sources and put actual keywords. I use centered / #000000 way too much (although I'm getting better). I never use site text anymore. I participate in fads more than I want to; I just always get sucked in lol. Although, for every fad site I make, I make something original; so, it kind of evens out.

YTMND Career

2004 Summary
  • YTMNDs Created: 9
  • Views Accumulated: 52,808
  • Votes Accumulated: 561
  • Average Site Rating: 3.31  Stars red 33.gif
  • *FAV!* Collected: 4 of September 14, 2007.
2005 Summary
  • YTMNDs Created: 14
  • Views Accumulated: 247,197
  • Votes Accumulated: 2,898
  • Average Site Rating: 4.08  Stars red 41.gif
  • *FAV!* Collected: 143 of September 14, 2007.
2006 Summary
  • YTMNDs Created: 3
  • Views Accumulated: 19,823
  • Votes Accumulated: 752
  • Average Site Rating: 4.32  Stars red 43.gif
  • *FAV!* Collected: 80 of September 14, 2007.
2007 Summary
  • YTMNDs Created: 46
  • Views Accumulated: 351,822
  • Votes Accumulated: 13,667
  • Average Site Rating: 4.17  Stars red 33.gif
  • *FAV!* Collected: 867 of September 14, 2007.

My first few YTMNDs were merely inside jokes that no other YTMND user found funny whatsoever. After realizing what YTMND was all about, I quickly began participating in several of the very early fads on YTMND. I made my first fairly successful YTMND in 2005. (It was about Star Trek TNG lol) I also got my first site with over 150,000+ views. Then I made some more pretty average sites straight through the winter. After making two sites in January 2006, I took a hiatus from YTMND. I'm not really sure what caused me to come to the site less; but it took me until October to make my only other site for this year. After three additional months of not making YTMNDs, I began again in February. I made several in March and April, and even more in July and August.

Fads Participated In: KHAN!, Subliminal Messsages, Picard Song, Tra-la-la, Banana Phone, Rosa Parks, One Weakness, Emo, ..Addresses Congress, Spy Watch (small fad), Brian Peppers, YESYES, Chuck Norris, Biff gives Marty (small fad), DR-L337, Catonakeyboardinspace, TMNTMND (i made a few sites with this tag), UNITINU, Rickroll, bubb rubb, Horsedick, themenight, made an anti-(?x), Oven of Power, Envelopes, PTKFGS, alternate universe (I invented the ever-retarded TGAWGF....MSAPS hardware universe), Milla

WikiWiki.gif Contributions

Here are my "worthy" contributions to this wiki. This doesn't include any minor edits.

Alogo 5.gif Accomplishments

Here are some milestones I've reached that I'm proud of.

  • Several YTMNDs at the top of or on the Top Viewed list (once, 2 on that list simultaneously)
  • Several on the Top Rated for the Week list (once , 3 on that list simultaneously)
  • Several on Up&Coming for the max period of time (a few times, 2 on that list simultaneously)
  • YTMNDs with 1000+ votes
  • YTMND with 150,000+ views: Wilma gives Florida a HJ
  • YTMND in the Moderator Favorites: Wilma gives Florida a HJ

Fav*FAV!* YTMNDers

in no particular order: