
Revision as of 19:52, August 9, 2007 by Filibuster (Talk | contribs)

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sexy sex. im filibuster. i make ytmnds. as no one really cares about these pages i will not attempt a serious one. ROBERT LOGGIA? kiefer sutherland approves

filibuster was born in china in the 1700s and he is god.

tangerine tastes great.

he has made a string of spectacular sites such as "homer ignored the warnings" and "requiem for a arnolds got hoes" he is also the inventor of "L" (subject of a steakman site) which occurred in gabbly whilst discussing new terms for laughing. "L" somehow caught on and still survives today in gabbly instead of lol. i win. he has also secretly been behind numerous high profile YTMND incidents (i don't know which ones) such as the night we were all banned, and has organised forced fads. he owns

favourite users

"L". kiefer sutherland APPROVES