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internet relay chat (IRC) is a slightly aged but well-situated protocol designed to support internet users' ability to get RAGED!, shirk chore duties from their parents, and display ridiculous, work-unsafe ASCII art for hapless wanderers who "downloaded something cool-looking when i was looking for scatporn with women named Khalee in it last night.[Got sources?]"

IRC was invented by a half-elven dwarf warrior with a +4 staff of despicable grooming habit and a shield of venetian darkness by the name of Dais ChRoNiCuS IV during the season of the feast of crumbly pringles, in Visual DarkBASIC 2.1.

there are many different IRC clients but the only one that works is BitchX, which the soviets used during the cold war to let each other all know that their power was out and there was no bread or water to be found, anywhere.[Got sources?]

in general, users are better off staying on the forums, where their activity and speech is monitored and regulated.