- "BRBFBI", a phrase commonly used when pedophilia or other illegal activity appears in conversation. The phrase was born from frequently threatened police and FBI intervention during a string of forum raids in the summer of 2005, this was mostly due to the raids on various Natalee Holloway chats and forums. All sites in this fad use Moby's rendition of the theme song to Mission: Impossible.
- "also cocks.", a phrase derived from the infamous 'Ridin Spinnaz' YTMND. Used as a non sequitur way to end a post.
- "RAGED", often in large capital letters and bold font, is used when a forum member has lost their cool. The forum user who succeeds in angering or "raging" the other is usually seen as the dominant party in the conversation. The origin of this is probably from FF8, in which one of Seifer's 2 goons says very little throughout the game. She is most remembered by saying "RAGED" and kicking the other in the shin)
- "No Homers" is a term said to a newcomer to YTMND that is very annoying. The phrase originated from moderator MillionsV, who noticed while looking at the ban list, that adinistrator clay had banned long-time member Introducing..., with no reason given other than "no homers". (See also - NoHomers)
- "gtfo" is an acronym standing for "get the fuck out." Veteran members often use this phrase to quickly dismiss a new user's first post.
- "amirite" is a contraction of "Am I right?" commonly used after distasteful jokes. An example would be if somebody was talking about Courteney Cox, followed by another person stating, "Courteney Cox, more like Caught-any Cocks, amirite?" or "Halo, more like GAYlo, amirite?! AMIRITE?!"
- "eabod probleak" or "eat a bowl of dick probleak" is a very offensive phrase that people used to reply to probleak after she spoke offensively to them.
- "c u @ ALOL" is a common phrase, used on the YTMND forumers by members of the forum to show disapproval of the state of the YTMND forums. was a forum created by YTMND forumers Tokosan and Pidda for users of the old YTMND forums after they were shut down in 2005. may also be abbreviated "ALOL", as to bypass the censor put on the word "almighty lol" on the YTMND temporary forums. This phrase is adapted from a phrase, c u @ allgames, used by members of, a forum made for YTMND forumers who registered in 2004.
- "balls are touching" is a reference to a 4chan saying, "It's only gay if the balls touch;" the original meaning has largely been lost on YTMND, and the phrase can usually interpreted to be mildly offensive nonsense.
- "gb2/..." Meaning "go back to". People will often quote a person's message and link to a message board, telling them to go back to said message board., for example, a board widely disliked by YTMND forumers will often be someone's response to a bad joke a user posted or in some cases a new user who formerly posted at that board. These messages are very insulting to a YTMND forumer, as they hold the IGN boards and many other message boards in high contempt. Various boards may be used in this insult including:
-, specifically the Vestibule, altered with such names as the "Fagstibule".
-, said to almightylol users
-, said to thepriceislol users (a board created after the temporary forums after the crash developed their own culture)
- fp Short for Front Page, meaning
- photochop'd is a term for pictures that have been altered allegedly under Adobe Photoshop or similar image editing software.
- Hating members who joined in 2006. Many threads have been posted along the lines of "GTFO '06ers", "All 06'ers shut the fuck up and get the fuck out", etc. "GTFO 06'er" is commonly used, and veteran members have a tendency to ignore posts or flame merely because a member joined in 2006.
- "The Robots have taken me, Please send help". More of a comments page in-joke, it was started by user VinnyWeapons, who posted it on every comment he made. It spawned many spinoffs such as "VinnyWeapons has taken me, Please send lube." and "VinnyWeapons has juvenile diabetes, please send insulin". One now seldom goes to a popular site's comments without seeing one of these "robots" spinoffs.
- "Tits or GTFO". The response to any female user of the forums. Unsurprisingly, YTMND forums has very few female users.
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