That loserly MIT reject from the far edges of the Internet who found his way to YTMND in June 2005. Has the tendency to annoy almost everyone he meets after a long enough time because of both his New Jersey heritage and his sheer amount of showoffishness, but is by no means a troll. Novel fan of Nobiiru (のび〜る), also known as Longcat. Finally, has the tendency to edit his writings more often than George Lucas.
Name is based on a reference to the cult 90s Fox television show Eek The Cat, but does not consider himself a furry in any way.
Photo of cartoon character Eek The Cat
Is a proud war veteran of the January 7th-9th raids on
Life-Changing Moments
_ ___ ___| | __ / _ \/ _ \ |/ / | __/ __/ < __ _ \___|\___|_|\_\ / _(_)_ __ __| (_)_ __ __ _ | |_| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _` | | _| | | | | (_| | | | | | (_| | |_|_|_|_| |_|\__,_|_|_|_|_|\__, | / _(_) __ ___ _(_)_ |___/ | |_| |/ _` \ \ /\ / / | '_ \ | _| | (_| |\ V V /| | | | | |_| |_|\__, | \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| |___/
-Various people angered: (est.) 600-800
-Formal cease and desist requests filed (since 1/1/05): 8+
-Has been thwarting Internet police since: September 2000