
Revision as of 20:15, December 25, 2006 by Atrahasis (Talk | contribs)

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Atrahasis doesn't talk a lot. No one knows who he is.

Userbox06er.jpg This user joined YTMND in 2006.
US45.jpg This user is American
Male45.jpg This user is Male.
Yayfads45.jpg This user believes Fads on YTMND are a good thing.
Nayfads45.jpg This user hates Fads.
Mchammer45.gif You can't touch this userbox!

Why? Because it's hammer time!

Sfwzimmer.jpg You're gonna like the way you look. This user guarantees it.
Picardsong.jpg This user loves Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, and rooted for him in the Picard/Batman war.
Thumbsdown.jpg Thumbsdown.jpg</big> This user has had enough with ytmnders on YTMND.


Youspinme.gif This user is stupid

</tr> </table>

2025-03-13 20:13:12
max *
this userpage is sh*t on so many levels. +1

[reply] [+|-]

This is a disambiguation page - words should always mean more than one thing, and we're working hard to ensure that each word you look up refers to at least two completely unrelated articles. If an article link referred you here, you should make it to point directly to the article where you think the confused link-maker thought it would point, or go nuts and pick one at random. Just make sure it doesn't point here.